The Major Reversal buff only minorly impacted in buffing Submission Offense and prevented players from receiving a more substantial buff by taunting after performing the Major Reversal.
COM Superstars now have a higher chance of a delayed response time to button input changes and also input the wrong button press with greater frequency
The penalty for incorrect button presses has also been removed Limb Damage is now weighted more heavily in the mini-game.
Heute erschien zum aktuellen Wrestling-Ableger WWE 2K17 ein umfangreicher Patch, der viele Fehler im Karriere-Modus, im Online Modus und im Unversum behebt und unter anderem für allgemeine Performanceverbesserungen sorgt. WWE 2K17 has an extremely realistic picture, the most authoritative gameplay, and the largest lineup including all of your favorite WWE and NXT superstars.